Mercy in the City hopes to see a world where refugees, minorities, and displaced persons are welcomed in communities. We desire to see communities become more than just neighbors - they become friends.

1.1 Million New Claims | Mercy in the City | Kansas City

Image & Article Source: Worldwide Displacement – Arrive Ministries


Global Refugee Crisis

At least 82.4 million people around the world have been forced to flee their homes by the end of 2020 because of persecution, conflict, and violence. Among them are nearly 26.4 million refugees, around half of whom are under the age of 18.

International displacement of people by country as of 2020:

– Syria 6.8 million
– Venezuela 4.9 million
– Afghanistan 2.8 million – South Sudan 2.2 million

The preferred solution for most refugees is safe, voluntary return to their homelands. This option is available for only a small minority of refugees because they are fleeing from war and persecution and would face it again if they returned. The second solution is to pursue self-sufficiency and local integration in countries of asylum.

Who is Our Focus?

According to RefugeKC, around 500 refugees and displaced persons are resettled in Kansas City each year. As of November 28, 2021, Kansas City has over 15,000 refugees and displaced persons settled in our city. This number will only increase.

How Will This Look?

Mercy in the City is supported by donors and grant funding options to help make a difference in our city. Mercy in the City has the goal to help families move out of dependency on others and move into self-sufficiency by offering options which give dignity and grace to our community members of Kansas City. Mercy in the City works alongside other local small businesses to help create affordable, sustainable, and quality homes for our neighbors. By partnering with government agencies, donors, and local entities, Mercy in the City provides the community in Kansas City with mercy, hope, dignity, family, work, and a new future.

The Work of Mercy in the City


Mercy in the City generously offers direct aid to meet physical, material, and economic needs of our communities.

We do this by:

  • Creating affordable and sustainable housing for refugees, minorities, and displaced persons

  • Partnering with government agencies through grant funding and other resources

  • Engaging with local entities to provide funding, volunteer opportunities, and other resources


    Mercy in the City provides individuals, families, and communities with what they need to move out of dependency into self-sufficiency.

    We encourage our communities into self-sufficiency by providing life-skills and vocational training, job opportunities, and relationships for up to two years. We want to be an example of what it means to be a good neighbor and support your community in hopes that others may implement these qualities themselves.

    Social Reform

    Mercy in the City moves beyond relief of immediate needs and dependency and focuses on changing the conditions and social structures that aggravate, oppress, or cause dependency. We strive for this by supporting affordable and sustainable neighborhoods surrounding our housing structures.

Our Community Members

Our number one goal is to help our community members feel cared for, loved, seen, and supported. 


Minorities, second chance citizens, immigrants, refugees, and displaced persons in our community do not have as many resources as the rest of our community in Kansas City. We strive to provide resources to help our community members have the resources they need to be successful in life and successful as an active community participant. 


We hope to not just build a home and provide minimum support. Our goal is to provide a home with energy efficient supplies AND training/resources that will help our community members thrive long-term. By keeping energy bills low, the community members who own the homes will have a more affordable bill that they will more likely be able to afford long term. Through the donations from Mercy in the City, we hope to prevent gentrification as best as we possibly can. We don’t want to see our community pushed out by big developments and new developers. We want to see our community members have affordable and sustainable housing options they can live in, own, and pass down to their families.


By providing training and resources for life skills and vocations, we hope to see our community members use these skills and resources as they continue to grow in our community. We want to see them empowered to use these new skills throughout their life.


Through providing sustainable housing and by empowering our community members through training and skill development, we hope to see our community members thrive on their own and independently use their skills to pass down to their families to continue to the circle of sustainability and independence.