Mercy in the City
We are building quality, sustainable, and affordable housing options for immigrant and refugee communities, starting in Kansas City.
Connecting immigrants and refugees with vocational and life-skills training empowers these neighbors to become an essential and active part of the Kansas City community.
Moving out of dependency into self-sufficiency.
Learn About Our Work
According to, around 500 refugees are resettled in Kansas City each year. As of November 28, 2021, Kansas City has over 15,000 refugees settled in our city. This number will only increase.
The mission of Mercy in the City is to create quality and sustainable affordable housing for immigrants and refugees, starting in Kansas City.
Engaging both private business and organizations within the community, we will connect refugees and immigrants to vocational and life-skills training that will empower them to become an essential and active part of their communities.
Mercy in the City hopes to see a world where immigrants and refugees are welcomed in communities. We desire to see communities become more than just neighbors--they become friends.
1. Extend Mercy by putting kindness and compassion in action.
2. Create Hope for a better future through sustainable housing and life-skills training.
3. Give Dignity by letting all we encounter know their worth.
4. Establish Family by providing a sense of belonging to all and helping families get settled into their new home.
5. Provide Work by putting our hands to the work of mercy and helping others do the same.
Let's Connect
Excited about collaborating? Take our Get Involved survey to find how we can support each other in the work of mercy in Kansas City!